Filed in Sarah Harding

Sarah Instagram 210415

Sarah took to instagram yesterday to post a couple of selfies.

I’m not a huge fan of the Pout but have to admit that this picture is stunning. It shows what a natural beauty Sarah is, flawless skin and hair <3


Thank you to my beautiful team @sarahbridson and @garycockerill for making me look and feel so 70’s fab for the @FandFclothing event this morning.


Sarah also posted this picture which literally blew me away with just how stunningly beautiful Sarah is.

210415bMy belated homage to #Coachella!!! Every year I swear I’m gonna go and every year I bloody miss it because work comes first here’s to next year (hopefully!) oh, also, thanks so much to #goldfever (and my beloved Bradley) for the best hair extensions btw they’re frikkin awesome!!! Loving having long hair again!!!!